"If there is something we can agree that the wilderness can produce in us is confusion, because when someone finds themselves in the middle of the wilderness they can get confused easily not knowing the way out, not knowing what to do next, or which way to go. Confusion can come as well when our wilderness experiences are constant, are one after another, or they are much longer than we expected all this can produce is confusion." -Richard Martinez, Senior Pastor
To connect with Pastor Richard Martinez: https://www.facebook.com/pastoriglecafe
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Have you made the decision to follow Jesus? Maybe you are asking what's next on your journey? We want to help! Let us guide you in your walk with Christ. To connect with Iglesia CAFE: Connect: https://iglesiacafe.com/webcafe/quiero_conectarme/
At CAFE our vision is to Make Disciples that Make a Difference (MDMD) and we do this for one more (4ONE+), until everyone declares that: THERE IS NOTHING BETTER THAN BEING A CHRISTIAN. Visit us:https://www.cafechurchtx.com/events- FRIDAYS 7:30pm 2200 E. Park Row Dr Arlington TX, 76010
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Jesus | Richard Martinez | CAFE Church